What is the Entire Healing Process like for Adult Circumcision?

In the United States, over 70% of males are circumcised. But more than 90% of them underwent the procedure at less than 1 year of age. They probably didn’t realize they went through the procedure and likely forgot what the healing process was like for them.

So what is the healing process from circumcision like for adult men?

Some men may feel fear, anxiety, or an otherwise general aversion to the idea of getting circumcised in their adult years. This may be due to a lack of knowledge and education about adult circumcision, especially about the healing process after surgery.

In this article, we’ll go through the healing timeline and some post-circumcision recovery tips. With this information, you can make an informed choice about undergoing an adult circumcision procedure.

What is the Procedure of Adult Circumcision?

Adult circumcision is the same as the circumcision performed on infants.

A routine circumcision begins by sanitizing and then anesthetizing the penis. Once the penis is cleaned and numb, the surgeon will trim the foreskin to expose the head of the penis. The specific procedure for trimming the foreskin may vary depending on the requirements.

After the foreskin is removed, the patient will be cleaned up and loosely bandaged. In rare cases with excessive bleeding, the patient may require skin glue, light stitching, or a combination of both. Upon discharge, the patient may also be prescribed antibiotics or mild pain relievers.

How long does Circumcision take to Heal in Adults?

The healing process of an adult circumcision takes on average 3 weeks before patients can resume day-to-day activities. Here is a breakdown of what to expect post-surgery as you progress through the healing stages of adult circumcision:

Post Operative Healing Timeline

1. First Week

It’s important to be very disciplined with post-operative care within the first 10 days to get the best results. Patients are advised to take a week off from work to limit their mobility and get plenty of rest.

At this time, the new skin is forming while the operated surface heals. Patients must prioritize keeping their newly circumcised penis clean, dry, and free from any friction. They should also be very diligent with prescribed medication (if any) and refrain from all physical activity—at least for the first 72 hours.

Patients will notice swelling and feel mild discomfort, but these are normal parts of the healing process.

Since this is the most sensitive period of the healing process, negligence of aftercare or accidents may result in complications. Take notice of any severe pain, skin issues, bleeding, or infections. Don’t hesitate to reach out to your doctor in the event of the aforementioned or other possible complications.

2. Second Week

Things get much easier after the first week. During this time, the swelling has gone down, wounds have closed and scabbed, and most discomfort has subsided. If a patient has any glue or stitches, it’s also removed or dissolved around this time.

The penis may still feel a bit sensitive and patients are advised not to engage in strenuous physical activity and sexual intercourse. But patients can slowly incorporate mild physical activity such as walking.

It’s advised that patients continue to keep their penis clean and avoid clothing that can cause friction to let the new skin develop properly. Be careful and allow your body to heal.

3. Third Week (and Onward)

By the third week, most patients are near full recovery. The new skin on the penis is formed and it will look close to its final form. Patients can consult their doctor about resuming most of their regular physical activity. In addition, patients can also resume wearing their regular clothes.

Although the penis may look healed, patients are still advised to avoid any sexual activity such as masturbation or intercourse until the sixth week. By then, patients can return to their regular lives and enjoy the health benefits of having a circumcised penis.

Post Circumcision Surgery Recovery Tips

You can also help yourself heal better and faster by following these recovery tips:

1. Eat Skin Regenerative Foods

There are foods rich in vitamins and minerals that facilitate skin regeneration. Consider including these in your diet for better recovery:

  • Eggs (Protein, Vitamin B12, Vitamin A, Selenium)
  • Salmon (Protein, B Vitamins, Omega 3 fats, Iron, and Selenium)
  • Berries (Antioxidants, and Vitamin C for Collagen production)
  • Nuts and Seeds (Healthy fat, Vitamin E, Manganese, and Magnesium)

2. Aftercare Practices for Better Recovery

You can also increase your hygiene, wear comfortable clothes, and exercise for better healing:

  • Wash the healing skin with more lukewarm water daily and dry it properly. Avoid harsh chemicals like rubbing alcohol which can irritate the skin and slow down healing.
  • Wear wrap-around fabric, skirts, or loose bottoms during the first 2 weeks. Wearing breezy clothes keeps the penis cool, dry, and free of friction.
  • Take short walks to promote blood circulation, especially after the initial 72 hours post-surgery. Don’t overdo it (or you may get negative results), but allow your body to function toward healing.

How Adult Circumcision Can Improve Penile Health

Once you’re all healed, you’ll get to enjoy several benefits of having a circumcised penis. After all, it’s more than just a cosmetic change—it’s also an excellent way to prevent diseases and improve your overall hygiene. Here are more details:

1. Prevention of Infections and Chronic Diseases

Studies show that the pocket within the foreskin helps bacteria and viruses thrive especially with poor penile hygiene. Getting circumcised helps men prevent chronic conditions like HIV-1 and HR-HPV (Human Papillomavirus), and GUD (Genital Ulcer Disease).

2. Improved Hygiene

Negligence of proper cleaning of an uncircumcised penis can leave the penis smelling foul and prone to disease and infection. By removing the excess foreskin and exposing the head, the penis is easier to clean and also stays cleaner for longer.

A Life Improving Decision Worth A Few Weeks

If the time it takes to heal is dissuading you from getting circumcised, shift your focus towards the benefits you get just by enduring a few weeks.

By being patient and disciplined after circumcision and recovery, men will greatly lessen their chances of contracting infections and chronic diseases while also having better penile hygiene. A few weeks of recovery and taking it easy is well worth having an improved sense of physical and sexual well-being.

Interested in learning more about adult circumcision and a free consultation? Contact us today.









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