Exploring Adult Circumcision: A Comprehensive Guide

In this article, we are going to explore the benefits of adult circumcision. For many men, the thought of adult circumcision is met with mixed emotions. It’s a subject held in personal and cultural significance. While the procedure itself is typically quick and involves minimal discomfort, the decision to undergo circumcision in adulthood is usually weighted with various considerations. These are not just common inquiries; they are crucial in shaping your decision and ensuring peace of mind.

Types of Adult Circumcision Procedures:

There are two common types of adult circumcision procedures: the Dorsal Slit procedure and the Sleeve Resection procedure. While they are different techniques, you still get the same results. However, some people need to do the Dorsal Slit procedure if, for example, they are not able to retract the foreskin. It’s also recommended for patients suffering from phimosis or paraphimosis.

Procedure Overview:

Typically lasting less than 45 minutes, the adult circumcision surgery is straightforward. After local anesthesia is administered, the foreskin is measured, incised, and removed. Despite common fears, the procedure and recovery involve minimal pain, managed effectively with prescribed care.

Post-Procedure Recovery:

Initial soreness and discomfort are normal but usually subside within a few days. Most men return to their routine within a few weeks, experiencing a significant improvement in hygiene and often, sexual satisfaction.

Exploring the Reasons for Choosing Adult Circumcision

There are a number of reasons why men might choose to get circumcised as adults. For some men, it’s a religious or cultural decision. In many Jewish and Islamic families, circumcision is an important tradition passed down from generation to generation. In fact, in countries where the Jewish or Muslim faith is prevalent, the circumcision rate is almost at 100%.

For other men, the decision to get circumcised is a personal one, as it carries the benefits of improving their hygiene and/or sexual function. There are also some men also choose to get circumcised as an adult for medical reasons, such as phimosis, epispadias, hypospadias, or priapism.

Assessing the Necessity of Circumcision in Adulthood

There is no medical necessity for circumcision in adulthood if one takes care to retract the foreskin and clean the area regularly. Circumcision is also indicated if an adult male has a medical condition that causes discomfort during sex or other activities. As a procedure, it doesn’t have any other significant risks. However, opting to remain uncircumcised can heighten your chances of getting certain skin conditions like balanitis and posthitis.

From Hygiene to Health: The Benefits of Adult Circumcision

Deciding to undergo adult circumcision is not just a matter of personal or cultural choice; it’s a step towards a healthier lifestyle. This procedure goes beyond the obvious physical changes, offering a range of benefits that impact everything from daily hygiene to long-term health. In this section, we’ll explore the multifaceted advantages of adult circumcision, providing you with a clear, comprehensive understanding of how this decision can contribute positively to various aspects of your well-being, from enhanced cleanliness to potentially life-saving health benefits.

1. Circumcision can improve hygiene

The foreskin is a natural part of the penis that can be a breeding ground for bacteria and fungi, which can lead to infection and odor. Circumcision, therefore, eliminates the need to clean under the foreskin, making it a more hygienic choice.

2. Circumcision reduces the risk of penile cancer.

Uncircumcised men may sometimes find it difficult to pull back, or retract their foreskin. This condition is called phimosis, and men with phimosis are at a higher risk for penile cancer than other men. For example, smegma, a white substance made up of dead skin cells that can build up under a tight foreskin, can cause irritation and inflammation of the penis if not cleaned regularly. When circumcised, it, therefore, reduces the risk of penile cancer. See our article for more info here.

3. Circumcision can improve sexual function and satisfaction.

Some studies show that circumcision causes a significant improvement in erectile function and overall sexual satisfaction. One reason for this is that the foreskin can be a source of friction during sex, which can lead to discomfort or pain. Therefore, removing the foreskin eliminates this problem.

4. Circumcision is an effective way to prevent HIV and other sexually transmitted infections.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends circumcision as an effective way to reduce the risk of HIV and other STIs.

According to CDC, clinical trials demonstrated that male circumcision reduced HIV infection risks by 50% to 60% during sexual activity with female partners with HIV. Additionally, CDC reports that circumcised men are less likely to acquire the following diseases compared to uncircumcised men:

  • New infections of syphilis by 42%
  • Genital ulcer disease by 48%
  • Genital herpes by 28% to 45%
  • High-risk strains of human papillomavirus, HPV, are associated with cancer by 24% to 47%

5. Circumcision can help prevent balanitis.

Balanitis is an inflammation of the glans, or head, of the penis, which is usually caused by a buildup of smegma under the foreskin. As a condition, Balanitis can be painful and may lead to difficulty urinating. Circumcision reduces the risk of balanitis.

6. Circumcision reduces the risk of urinary tract infections (UTIs).

Another important fact is that UTIs are more common in uncircumcised men. One study shows that 32.1% of uncircumcised males experience UTIs in their lifetime, compared to just 8.8% of circumcised males. UTIs occur when bacteria enter the urinary tract and cause infection. Since the foreskin harbors bacteria that can then enter the urethra, choosing to undergo circumcision surgery reduces your risks of acquiring UTIs.

7. Circumcision helps reduce the presence of large or multiple genital warts on the foreskin.

Penile warts are small fleshy growths or bumps that usually appear under the foreskin. While they aren’t harmful, they can be unsightly and cause discomfort.

When it comes to penile warts, they’re caused by HPV and can be passed on through sexual contact. With circumcision, you can help reduce the risks of developing them and passing them on to partners.

Addressing the Stigma: Making an Informed Decision About Adult Circumcision

Circumcision is a personal decision that you should make after careful consideration and consultation with a medical professional. If you are considering circumcision, we can help you with any questions—just give us a call!

Our team of experts will be happy to address your concerns and help you make an informed decision or connect you with a doctor in your area who can.

Schedule a free phone consultation with us to learn more about adult circumcision. Contact us today!

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